2014年12月31日 星期三

飛越 2015 Happy New Year


2014 is going to end tonight.
Are you ready to meet the countdown and welcome "2015"?

Thank you for your support and love for Opro9, please keep your passion for us in the new year!

2014年12月29日 星期一

賀: 瀚荃集團旗下品牌 Opro9 獲選2015台灣精品獎

今年2015年台灣精品獎商品參選共1155件,選拔項目共五項,包含『設計』、『行銷』、『研發』、『品質』及『台灣製造』。經過,嚴密的審核,瀚荃集團旗下品牌Opro9 iSafeFile 檔案加密碟在眾多參選產品中受到矚目,其產品的創新價值贏得評審的肯定,並榮獲2015年台灣精品獎。

Opro9 iSafeFile 為全球第一支通過Apple MFI認證的檔案加密碟 ,適用於iPhone 5以上的手機,能將手機中的文件與照片加以加密及隱藏,不用擔心私密文件及照片洩露出去,並且擁有快速傳輸速度,讓您通過加密碟在觀看影片的同時,速度不受任何限制。同時,檔案加密碟兼具USB隨身碟(分別:16GB/32GB/64GB)功能,可將手機中的通訊錄、照片與文件檔案儲存至檔案加密碟中,使用者不用擔心手機容量不夠用,而刪除手機中的文件及照片,並且,可將手機中的資料輕鬆方便地傳輸到電腦中,不需要通過iTunes 及傳輸線傳輸

2014年12月23日 星期二

準備好您的聖誕禮物了嗎? Are you ready to prepare your Christmas present?


 Christmas is approaching, prepare a small gift for their beloved people!

2014年12月18日 星期四

一年一度的冬至來囉,記得吃湯圓暖暖身喔!Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.






Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solstice was first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.

Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead. 

That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of Capricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.

 Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.

2014年12月16日 星期二

Opro9雲端存儲盒新品上市 New Arrival-3in1 Cloud Storage Box

你曾經因為手機沒電感覺到不方便嗎?你曾經因為想要透過隨身碟或SD卡分享照片或檔案給多個朋友感覺到麻煩嗎?Opro9推出新的產品, 3合一雲端存儲盒, 集合了無線讀卡機,無線分享器及行動電源的功能於一身,且只有150 g的重量,輕薄易攜帶。其內建3200mAh的行動電源,可安心使用6小時,無需擔心電量不足。此外,雲端存儲盒為智慧型手機及平板電腦專屬的無線讀卡機,SD記憶卡容量高達128GB,可輕鬆存取音樂、相片、影片、文件等檔案於iPad / iPhone / Android等行動裝置,並能同時與3~5人分享資料,可隨時隨地享受雲端生活的便利性, 所以,你還等什麼? 明日起正式在PChome 商店街開賣囉,詳細情況請到優普耐資安專家。

Have you ever felt inconvenient due to out of battery? Have you ever felt trouble when you wanted to share your photos or files to your friends through SD card or flash drive? Opro9 launches a product, 3in1 cloud storage box, which integrates multi-functions including wireless storage, Wi-Fi AP router and Power Bank. What is more, its weight is only 150g so it is convenient to be carried. In addition, we have built-in a rechargeable 3200mAh batter for up to 6 hours. Moreover, it not only can be easily to read your photos, files, movies and share files to your friends through SD card or USB as a card reader, but its capacity storage space reaches 128 GB as well. Finally, the most important value added on is the AP router, which allows you to share the internet connection devices simultaneously. So, what you are waiting for? Just get it now!

2014年12月9日 星期二

防寒注意!Cold Warning!

Arctic cold reversed, future temperatures are likely to continue to decline, we should pay more attention to keep warm !

2014年12月5日 星期五

Opro9產品促銷會(台南大潤發佳里店)Opro9 Promotion (RT-MART Tainan Jiali Store)


Thanks everyone for joining us in Tainan this time, it's a great success for the promotion in RT-MART Tainan Jiali Store. Opro9 will be announced more products in the future, please keep supporting us!!

2014年12月2日 星期二

冷氣團發威 合歡山降第一場雪




2014年11月27日 星期四

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your dear ones!

Hope that your Thanksgiving is full of love, warmth, and happiness. May you enjoy the tasty turkey !

Have a  wonderful Thanksgiving!

2014年11月25日 星期二

Do u have the Best friend?


Little 9’s good partner – Opro Bird
We are the best friend!

2014年11月20日 星期四

“音”樂 與你分”響”

音樂是一個很個人化的體驗,我們享受音樂,聽音樂,玩音樂。我們的生活已經不能沒有它。 O'pro9迷你音響不只提供全方位的立體環繞音質,並且更提供強而有力的防止噪音技術。同時,其介面簡單操作容易,透過藍牙或NFC的裝置都可以輕鬆的連接上,播放出你想要的歌曲或聲音。此外,外型時尚,聲音更是震撼力十足,讓你享受音樂的饗宴。所以,你還等什麼? 即日起到11月底,PChome 商店街-藍牙迷你音響現時優惠! 詳細情況請到優普耐資安專家http://www.pcstore.com.tw/cviluxgroup/M18596964.htm

Music is very personal experience, we enjoy the music, listen the music and playing the music. Our life just can't live without it. O’pro9 Mini SoundBar offers very strong anti-noise technology with amazing stereo surround sound. This is a truly revolutionary product with Bluetooth and NFC function. It looks beautiful and sounds fantastic. When you get yours, you will absolutely blown away. So, what you are waiting for? Just get it now!

2014年11月19日 星期三

輕鬆短片 與你分享 ^^



(Paper cat) 來源:YouTube/Lorie Geee

This cute kitty has a special hobby, the "Paper". Her tiny paws can't stop playing it with serious face, and she really enjoys it. Everyone just call her "Paper Cat"! From: YouTube / Lorie Geee

2014年11月11日 星期二

O’pro9吉祥物- - -小機器人優普將閃亮登場! O’pro9’s mascot “Little 9” come on stage with glittering appearance!

優普將 小檔案   ( Little 9 File )


個性 Character


Cheerful and gentle little robot, short gentleman, interest is the invention of technology products beneficial to mankind, dedicated to the service of human life…

來歷 Story

某日,一顆紅色的流星從天而降,落入地球上一個美麗的綠色小島。在優普耐工作小組投入全力挖掘後,從隕石坑中挖出了一顆機器蛋 ,按下蛋上的按鈕,蛋殼自動打開,小機器人優普將就這樣誕生了!

 One day, a red meteor fell from the sky, falls on a beautiful green island. After O’pro9 team’s hard work, get a magical machine egg.Press the button on the egg, small robot was born!

2014年11月7日 星期五

多運動 才健康


One day less than three thousand steps is not enough! Thousand steps walking to be healthy.
O'pro9 will be here to concern you.

We will have the new product. Coming soon...


2014年11月4日 星期二

O’Pro9 開店好禮等你來拿!

OPro9 迷你藍牙音響在PCHome正式上線了!!喜歡音響的朋友有福了!!即日起,購買藍牙迷你音響加送音響保護套,並提供免運費(限台灣)服務。


2014年10月30日 星期四

萬聖節~Trick or treat !!!

一年一度的萬聖節 (Halloween)又來了,就在1031日一起搞鬼.搞怪~~不給糖,就搗蛋Trick or treat」。現在就讓我來介紹一下萬聖節的由來吧!

跟著O'Pro9一起瞭解萬聖節的由來,其實是來自於歐洲的凱爾特族人,他們多數集中居住於英國及愛爾蘭,發展了別具特色的凱爾特文化。古時凱爾特人的新年是十一月一日,在新舊年交替之際,他們稱之為Samhain(發音應唸成sow-en),為「死靈的盛宴」(feast of the dead)之意,它代表太陽季節(season of the sun)的結束及冷暗季節(season of darkness and cold)的開始;Samhain一連舉辦三天,凱爾特人身著獸皮所製的外袍、頭戴獸頭遊行,相傳這就是萬聖節裝扮的開始。

【知識補充】:萬聖節 = Halloween,為「All Hallows' Eve」的縮寫,意思為「萬聖節(諸聖節)的前夜」)。

Halloween will come this Friday and are you ready to dress up the funny or scary costumes on this special holiday at Halloween’s Party? When this day comes, a majority of children is to knock on doors and say “Trick-or-Treat.” Be careful, they will be trick-or-treating in your house if you do not prepare candy for them. Now, let’s start to introduce the origin of Halloween!

Halloween is a well-known holiday on October 31 and it began two thousand years ago in Ireland and England with the ancient religion of the Celts. According to legend, the new year of ancient Celtic is on 1 November and they called it Samhain (sow-en), which means the "feast of the dead". Also, it represents the end of the season of the Sun and the beginning of the season of darkness and cold. Samhain was held for 3 days and Celtics dressed up in animal robe and head. Therefore, it is the origin of Halloween why people dress up the funny or scary costumes.

“Knowledge- Astronomy” : Halloween means "All Hallows' Eve "

2014年10月28日 星期二


O’pro9吉祥物- - -小機器人優普將即將誕生!

O’pro9 mascot - - - Little 9 will born soon!

2014年10月24日 星期五

O'Pro9產品促銷會-台南大潤發 安平店 (10/26(日) AM11:00~PM4:00)


10/26() AM11:00~PM4:00
台南大潤發 安平店


2014年10月20日 星期一



賽丁泉彗星是來自太陽系的外圍的『奧特雲』雲端,約在45億年前形成,彗星編號為C/2013 A1。在2013年1月3日在澳洲賽丁泉觀測站新發現的一顆彗星,因此,也被命名為塞丁泉〈Siding Spring)彗星,發現者是羅伯特,麥克諾特 (Robert McNaught)。這次,賽丁泉彗星造訪火星,將為天文學家與天文迷帶來一大貢獻。我們一起拭目以待吧!

[Knowledge- Astronomy] Once in a million years: Siding Spring comet will close Mars on 20 October!

The comet is from "Oort cloud" outside of the solar system and it was discovered by Robert H. McNaught. at Siding Spring Observatory on 3 January 2013. Therefore, it is named Siding Spring (C / 2013 A1).The Siding Spring comet visit Mars tonight, it will fly at a speed of 140,000 kilometers per hour by Mars. It will be nearest and closest to Mars after million-year journey. If you are interested in astronomy, you could not miss extraordinary sight at 2:27 a.m.(in Taiwan). Let's wait and see what happens. J


2014年6月20日 星期五

暑假旅遊必備,先行者 三合一雲端存儲盒

暑假即將來臨,大家是否都正計劃旅遊呢?今天,O'PRO9要跟大家介紹"先行者 三合一雲端存儲盒"



2014年5月27日 星期二

2014.05.22-點石成金*石怡潔*八大電視台*瀚荃*O'PRO9*Mini Sound Bar* Cloud Security Key

瀚荃很高興可以在2014.05.22接受八大電視台-點石成金的石怡潔採訪,如同節目上所說的,O'PRO9為瀚荃集團所創建的新品牌,主要銷售電腦及行動電話邊產品。六大系 列的商品, 包含加密儲存系列(無慮生活)、無線系列(無限生活)、行動配件系列(品味生活)、安全電源系列(效能生活)、行動電源系列及線組配件(連結生活)系列。


2014年5月21日 星期三

Stream 水韻 藍牙迷你音響!

Steam(水韻) 藍牙迷你音響

 音樂,可以是一種享受,也是一種心靈上的必需品,O’pro9即將推出-水韻-迷你藍牙音響,本產品機 體經過縝密估量後打造,不但具有免持聽筒功能,能讓 使用者隨時和朋友連結通話,且透過NFC無線配對技術接軌,讓您能輕鬆自縹緲的雲端世界中,真實的擁抱住每首屬於自己的旋律。

