賽丁泉彗星是來自太陽系的外圍的『奧特雲』雲端,約在45億年前形成,彗星編號為C/2013 A1。在2013年1月3日在澳洲賽丁泉觀測站新發現的一顆彗星,因此,也被命名為塞丁泉〈Siding Spring)彗星,發現者是羅伯特,麥克諾特 (Robert McNaught)。這次,賽丁泉彗星造訪火星,將為天文學家與天文迷帶來一大貢獻。我們一起拭目以待吧!
[Knowledge- Astronomy] Once in a million
years: Siding Spring comet will close Mars on 20 October!
The comet is from "Oort cloud"
outside of the solar system and it was discovered by Robert H. McNaught. at
Siding Spring Observatory on 3 January 2013. Therefore, it is named Siding
Spring (C / 2013 A1).The Siding Spring comet visit Mars tonight, it will fly at
a speed of 140,000 kilometers per hour by Mars. It will be nearest and closest
to Mars after million-year journey. If you are interested in astronomy, you
could not miss extraordinary sight at 2:27 a.m.(in Taiwan). Let's wait and see
what happens. J