2014年11月20日 星期四

“音”樂 與你分”響”

音樂是一個很個人化的體驗,我們享受音樂,聽音樂,玩音樂。我們的生活已經不能沒有它。 O'pro9迷你音響不只提供全方位的立體環繞音質,並且更提供強而有力的防止噪音技術。同時,其介面簡單操作容易,透過藍牙或NFC的裝置都可以輕鬆的連接上,播放出你想要的歌曲或聲音。此外,外型時尚,聲音更是震撼力十足,讓你享受音樂的饗宴。所以,你還等什麼? 即日起到11月底,PChome 商店街-藍牙迷你音響現時優惠! 詳細情況請到優普耐資安專家http://www.pcstore.com.tw/cviluxgroup/M18596964.htm

Music is very personal experience, we enjoy the music, listen the music and playing the music. Our life just can't live without it. O’pro9 Mini SoundBar offers very strong anti-noise technology with amazing stereo surround sound. This is a truly revolutionary product with Bluetooth and NFC function. It looks beautiful and sounds fantastic. When you get yours, you will absolutely blown away. So, what you are waiting for? Just get it now!

